TMU Buildings 101
In this section, we’ll cover buildings you’ll most likely have classes in for Computer Science courses, as well as some general purpose buildings. Trust us, you’ll want to read this.
Additionally, checkout our video guide for more details on navigating campus! Topics covered are directions to buildings, study spots, CS help, and more. Note: In the video, the CSCU office location is outdated. Find our new office at EPH 4420D! Created by Ric Marquez
Computer Science Course Union Office
Location: Room EPH 442-D in Eric Palin HallYou can conveniently find our office in Eric Palin Hall. If you've contacted a CSCU executive or need to pick something up, this is the place it'll be!
George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre (ENG)
Location: 245 Church St | Church St and Gould StThe ENG building (as most call it) is the home of the computer science students. On the lower ground floor and 1st floor, you’ll find lecture rooms where you might have some classes. The 2nd floor is where you’ll find all the computer labs and some study space in the halls.
- Printers in room ENG202 and ENG206
Location: South entrance: 40/50/60 Gould St | Gould StBy far the most confusing building in the school. Literally makes no sense. Anyways, the building is split into 4 sections, North (KHN), East (KHE), South (KHS), and West (KHW). It’s built like a highschool and has lockers you can sign up for at the beginning of the year. You can reach the library and RCC buildings from within. Be warned, not every floor of each wing connects to the other wings. We still don’t fully understand this building or why we have classes here, so good luck.
Library (LIB)
Location: 350 Victoria St | Victoria StIt’s a library... It’s pretty self explanatory. It can be easily accessed from the SLC, POD, or KHW. On a couple of the floors, you’ll find some study desks and rooms you can book.
Podium (POD)
Location: 350 Victoria St | Victoria StThis building can be accessed from the library building or from Kerr Hall West. The building is in a weird spot so you’ll probably get lost a couple of times… or a bunch of times…
Student Learning Centre (SLC)
Location: 341 Yonge St | Yonge St and Gould StArguably one of the best buildings at TMU. The SLC contains 8 floors and each floor is used for a different purpose. The floors have everything from academic help, to study spaces and loud hangout spaces.
Ted Rogers School of Management (TRS)
Location: 55 Dundas St W | Dundas St W and Bay StHome of the business students… This building is located above Canadian Tire and can be accessed through the Eaton Centre Entrance next to Best Buy. Lectures with large numbers of students are usually held here.
Daphne Cockwell Complex (DCC)
Location: 288 Church St | Church StAlthough it's home to the nursing students, some of your classes may be in here. It's right across ENG! Really nice building since it's one of the newer ones.
Victoria Building (VIC)
Location: 285 Victoria St | Victoria StThe building is a slightly cramped building right across the Tim Hortons on Victoria St. You’ll likely have some electives or math classes here.
Yonge Dundas Square (DSQ)
Location: 10 Dundas Street East | Yonge St and Dundas St WSo this one is a bit weird… Just take the escalators all the way up until you see the cineplex or smell popcorn. Sometimes you’ll have classes inside the theatres… yes we know it’s weird, but at least the chairs are comfortable.
Eric Palin Hall (EPH)
Location: 87 Gerrard St East | Gerrard St E and Church StWhere our CSCU office lives! You'll find some of your classes (mostly electives) here. Right beside Pitman Hall residency, this is one of the campus' older buildings.